Possibilities of a funeral (Dr.Sunitha Ganesh)


To me,
The casement of my soul opens
Only when charged by
The fragrance
Of the Incenses
Burning in your depth.
Only then,
My defunct lungs and heart,
Start beating naturally.
Sterile fingers
Set aside in the dark corner
Cossets tenderly
The black and white
In the lap of the piano.

Oh Then !
Then only,
In that sweet music
The threads of life resurrect together,
All the cages open the door
All rivers tide up high
with glee.
The moonlight drops as
Jasmine flowers,
The globe adore itself with
The flowery carpet.
All the mountains turn to
Tasty candies.
All the walls turn to pretty
Peacock feathers.
All the colourful feathers turn to
Cheerful birds.
All the birds turn to
Flimsy clouds,
All the clouds turn to
Twnikling stars.
All the stars turn to my,
Heart slices!
All those slices turn to
flashing trunks,
The whole sky shining,
Shining with joy!

Hurry up,
It’s quite a long time
Am In the dark…
Hurry up,
Well before,
Am torn down by their knife
For the ghost service…

Let me disappear!
Let me disappear by swinging ,
Swinging in the string of enlightenment!
Let me disappear…..

Sunitha Ganesh.

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