Crippled – Sunitha Ganesh


Laugh, laugh aloud
Burst out in laugh!
Crack yourself into stars.

Nothing else to do
When emotions sprinkle blood.

Just cackle,
Nothing else,
Nothing else to do
When whole life fold crippled.

All routes end in checks,
No knights or pawns,
No rooks or bishops,
King, ha the kingdom is kingless.

The queen
checked, asphyxiated live,
swerving again and again,
All emotions debilitated.

Crippled are those, Whose
dreams are skewed in mud,
Passions are cockeyed out,
life thorn out, worn out, worn out!

Laugh, Laugh, laugh aloud
Burst out in laugh!
Crack yourself into stars.

Nothing else to do
When emotions sprinkle blood.

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