
I kept running with the legs that are shaky,
I can see the sweat on my forehead rolling over my nose,
I wish to stop, but what if I die here alone in nowhere.
What if the world never knew, I tried.
What if, I die without seeing what lay there for me ahead..
I’m at a loss of patience, but , I am tired of trying,
Waiting and walking…
What if, there lays nothing ahead,
What if, all I do is run???…

So i stopped running,
And now I’m walking.
Even if there is nothing ahead,
Even if the forest is all I may see,
Il love this forest,
Il love these steps,
Il take rests and nap under this tree,
Il pamper a little bird,
And maybe drink water from the lake beneath.
I shall die ,but im alive now.
So let me breathe and walk .

I have stopped running,
Let me walk or take a nap.

About The Author

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