MALABAR AFLAME : Lesson 8 – (Karoor Soman)


Amazon Best Selling Novel  “Malabar A Flame” in Lima World Library

8. The tormented

1947 August 15. Antony told Mary that India became
free from the British. Thought she did not understand much
about what freedom meant, she rejoiced as every body
else. She had great admiration for Mahatma Gandhi as well
as Accamma Cherian, her personal hero among women
freedom fighters. But she never told him about her heroes
or heroines.
The British army is shifting their camps to other parts of
the world. What will be the future of the Indian in the British
army. It was Antony’s mother Mariyam who opposed the
idea of Antony leaving for England. After all he was her only
son. But there were many others who felt that Antony had
earned a lucky break. Educated in the homeland along with
Namboodirs, Nairs, Christians and Muslims, was it not like a
lottery won?
For his father the alcoholic Mathai it was not an issue at
all’ Whether the son goes to London or the moon, he should
get his daily quota of booze. He recalled how it happened
that he ws forced to abandon drinks when Antony was
working in Cochin. He once came home to tell him that the
army would not allow him to work until his father would his
ways as a drunkard. That did the trick, Mathai vowed not to
touch liquor any more. At first, a deathly pale overtook him
He would not speak to any one.
It had its brighter side too. He called Mariyam to his side
and asked. “Edi, I stopped drinking for the well being of our
son. Did you ever drink liquor. Didn’t you?”
Mariyam stared at him: What happened to this man?
“Why are you against our son going to London? If you
don’t stop opposing him, I am going to start drinking again!”.
“British army was scattered all parts of the world. They
get rid of the poverty of their homes by this remuneration.
Didn’t they have fathers and mothers? A British soldier
means he is the king without crown, do you know that, ass!?
Rightly bless and send him, otherwise you would know the
drunkard Mathai”.
Mariyam was shocked at first. But her heart melted.
However she could not think of Mary and her lovely kids
leaving her for ever. Mary was such a lovely in-law, noble
in thought and deed. Were it not the two gold bangles that
helped in marrying off her younger daughters?
“Mole (dear daughter), you should not have given what
had on your hands. Is there nothing on your hand? Mariyam
“Ammachi, How can we weigh our wealth in gold? I like
glass bangles. Ammachi must not worry about the bangles”.
She said pleadingly. Mariyam stood looking at her in awe
and wonder. Just as salvaging copper by melting stone she is
the gold that the family got.
As Mathai became wilted with shivering, oxen and cartwere disposed of. Bought three cows. When two cows
provide milk the other will be in the manger with matured
pregnancy. Mary took over the reins of the family. She earned
by selling milk, butter and cow dung. She was managing the
family with aplomb till the day she London with children
followed by long wailing and beating of the breast.
Mary was trying to forget all.
From the day when the siblings were admitted to the busy
English school in London tension and anxiety filling in Mary.
A strange country, all children from their home and hearth..
Whether the children will cope up with the new situation?
The thought of mishaps, accidents were ravaging Mary’s
mind. She used to wait outside for the arrival of the children
from school.
When Danny and Sara coming from school the pair
spotted a couple of planes hovering over the sky tearing the
snowy mountains like an avalanche. They may be war planes.
How many little clouds will be smashed to death! Maybe, that
smashed clouds pouring like rain into the earth. There is no
such possibility, Sara said to herself.
She was the only Indian in her class. The grown-ups in the
class will stare at her gleaming eyes. She was a piece of fancy
for them. But really they were watching her grown-up body
parts, high temple and her other supple features.
Mary was standing in the yard waiting for them. Days,
months culminated into New Year.
They celebrated the Xmas and the New Year day with
glitz and glamour. It was the Xmas day that Mary talked to
Aiysha for long. Mary felt that Aiysha was hiding something
for days. Mary had a huch that there was something wrong
between Ali and Aiysha. After cooking chores she used to
narrate her grievances to Mary. When chances arise Mary
used to say :
“Women should not be so much frail. This is not our
native place, but London. A land where even if a spouse talks
to his wife dishonestly it will be considered as a crime. We,
women, would take care to make our bonds sturdy”. Aiysha
sat listening. Mary has used to ask herself. Why are the Kerala
women always weep without reacting? Tears are the friends
of those who lose their freedom. Only a wife who has the
trust in the husband can solve the problems. But Aiysha says
Ali was way ward, traversing paths totally alien to her..
Ali was not listening to her when she warns of impending
danger.Aiysha says that this is all a journey to danger. He
wants to bring his sister from Kashmir to England. For that
he has to divorce Aiysha. After one year of her arrival they
will give up the brother–husband roles. After six months
of arrival, she too will marry her own hi\usband to bring
him here. Not only that Aiysha should marry and bring Ali’s
younger brother also to Lonmdon. Ali’s family is in Pakistanoccupied Kashmir. Ali’s sole aim was to bring all kith and kin
in Kashmir though `talak’ (divorce). Mary was stunned to
hear all this.
“He warns that if someone else came to know of this,
her parents would not see even her dead body. If I oppose,
he says, he would kill the children. What can I do? Did all this
happen to me who prays (do niskaram) four times daily, oh
gods? Mary sat stupified.When Ali married her she felt she was one of the most
happy persons on earth. Now what happens. He is a sadist, a
merciless sadist who will do anything to his ends.How many
days can I suffer ? How did all ill thoughts mould in human
mind? Marry one’s own sister, when spouse is alive, and
marry husband’s brother. If I inform the police they will put
him behind bars. I am undergoing mental as well as physical
torture. When he sleeps like a beast, I have felt t like stabbing
him to death. But I can not. I am suffering all for the sake of
my only son.

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