BIRSA MUNDA – (Gopan Ambat)


In the year 1874, a legend was born,
Birsa Munda, his name would adorn.
His years were short, only twenty-five,
Impact on tribal minds would thrive.

In Chhotnagpur village, an old little town,
Birsa emerged, wearing his tribal crown.
Stirred the hearts of his people with fire,
Awakening the spirits, n deepest desire.

A terror he became for the British rule,
Birsa Munda, a rebel shining so cool.
“Dharti Abba” they called him, so true,
Fought for their land, rights he pursued.

The tribals rallied behind their leader,
Inspired by Birsa, they all grew bolder
Against colonial officials, made a stand,
Asserting heritage, their ancestral land.

Life was cut short, his legacy remains,
Birsa, real hero who broke the chains.
Man of resilience for indigenous pride,
In India, his name echoes far and wide.

His contributions are seen with pride,
Nationwide, his spirit cannot be denied.
Taught us the power of unity and fight,
To stand tall and protect what is right.

About The Author

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