MALABAR AFLAME : Lesson 22 – (Karoor Soman)


Amazon Best Selling Novel “Malabar A Flame” in Lima World Library

22. Original sin

The bell rang. Antony opened the door.
Hardly had he realized who the visitor was, Alihaji opened
his arms and embraced him. Held him in tight hold for a
while before releasing him. The first visit after Ali became
Imam (preacher). Yet their friendship was as robust as
before. So far, he has not felt to repent for the calumny and
allegations spread against Antony.. Ali has a glib tongue. It
will blast, blurt, twist, bend, spit, accuse, praise, et al. Antony
did not raise any tiff or complaint against it. They exchanged
Mary served tea and enquired about Ali’s health and went
Ali opened his mind with a complaint against Abu.
“In my life I have only one foe, my son’, he said.
“He ventured to fight against me. I have many followers
to array under my umbrella. Among them not only barking,
growling dogs but rabid canines also. His leap without
forethought will fetch grave consequences. I consider this as
the frailty of the youth.’’
“If amma and mon (mother and son) are bent on
punishing me, they won’t succeed. I will punish them with
principal and interest. I am telling you this because you havealways been my friend and well wisher, “ so began Alihaji
without any preamble or provocation.
“As you’re still alive as his bapa, are not they your own kith
and kin?” Antony asked.
Ali did not want to give a direct reply. “I asked Aiysha in
person to mend her son. She is happy about her son ridiculing
me. The mother and son have vowed to prosecute me and jail
me. He infuses this venom in my other offspring. One among
them has started to question me like Abu. Had she obeyed
me I would not have divorced her. She was not obeying me.
I should obey her diktats. She did not understand me. I have
to execute my mission and vision. I do not like anybody as a
stumbling block in my way”.
WhiIe sipping tea Antony interrupted: “From the
beginning itself your life withered. If mirror was broken
it could not be mended. Human experiences are almost as
such. When you married her you have concealed the fact
of your early marriage, wife and two children. That too
is known after coming here. How much did you hurt that
mother and son. You have assaulted her in the closed room.
How much that boy has wailed `not to beat my mother’. Do
you remember that child who suffered your blows and cried.
Is not that scar visible on your hand where he clinched. I did
not forget the incident when you were taken to the hospital. I
have also told him to respect his bapa. Did i not support you
or him when he rues over each past incident.
Ultimately he warned me not to tell him anything about
his bapa. I have only one thing to say to both of you :` give
up your revenge and hatred’. He is not that ten-year oldboy now. He is now 28. Nowadays he seeks to avenge his
bapa. Whoever it may be, the truth will be unveiled today or
tomorrow. Till today you lived as you please. You believed
that no vulture will hover over your head. Violating that
norm, your son is hovering over you like an eagle. One side
the creator, other side the annihilator. I believe he is not
amenable to anybody’s threat or persuasion. You have done
injustice not only to Aiysha but to this country? May be it is
all your doctrines. You pursue your doctrines. You pampered
some here as you please. Meantime your son also prospered
as a parasite. How will justice be done to who push the truth
to the path of injustice? Ultimately one way is clear in my
Ali stared at his face.
“Alihaji should apologize”
Those words startled Ali. Am I to apologize to that
hamukk (devil)? Ali’s face turned like a wild beast. Bumping
up from the chair Ali screamed: “I won’t keep him alive’’.
With a horrid look Ali got up and went out.
Antony followed him and said as a warning: “Stop there,
would you be alive?
An outraged Ali drove away his car. While brooding over
the past life of Ali, Mary came. She has much hatred towards
Ali. Antony sees this impious and greedy man as a kin.
Mary queried: While going what he said. Whom is he
wishing to murder?
A suave Antony looked at Mary’s face and said: His son
Abu only’’Suddenly Mary quipped: If killed his son did he get
penance? Had his father slaughtered multiple herds of cattle.
Son also will show guts to kill and eat. It is a good desire,
don’t discard it as silly.
“For that, are there homicide offering and animal
sacrifice here? In India there are savages who perform child
sacrifice. The pujaris (sorcerers) who make ignorant parents
victims of that. Larks weep by witnessing that horrible show.
Nature repents. For them human life is more silly than that
of insects.’’
Antonyachchayan ought to tell him—Are not many goats
sacrificed in Mecca? Instead of Abu it is better to sacrifice
a goat. That offering will fetch more bliss. Not only that
if a god-man kills a man and goes to jail who will lead his
followers?” How many trips he made to Mecca? Yet he has
not mended himself. I pray not give such type of `dear’ father
to any son.
Antony not replied to what Mary said. He engrossed in
thought. I loved him like a brother. Beyond that I did not
look into his caste or origin. The base of any relation is love.
He believes that without love he can attain his goal. Now
when his wife ridiculed him he feels shame.
However I did not see him as a culprit. The paths we
trekked are different. I do my duty today. He secured a better
position than me. It is the desires that bewilder him. Even
after witnessing his illicit relation with other women I have
not hinted it even to my own wife. Still now he owes to me a
modest sum borrowed from me. Often I have asked myself
who should I be, his watchman? Have we not originated fromthe same culture? We came to this country to give support
to and help for the poverty-stricken family. We are the two
who shared one mat and meal in thick and thin. That too for
many years. Should his wife or any one else ridicule him I can
see him only as a friend. He got the job in railway with my
effort. Still he spread canards about me as taking bribe and
recruiting employees. It is the Asians who became victims of
his rumour-mongering. Among them one asked : How much
Ali paid? A puzzled Ali smiled it off and without revealing
his dismay he said: I have decided to pay it when I get salary.
Those words embarrassed him: He corrected him: “Edo
(buddy), it’s ok if not thankful, but won’t never be thankless”.
With that incident Ali ended his slander-mongering. After
Mecca, for Ali it is Antony the next holy soul. When he faces
crisis in life he would seek advice from Antony. Now his own
blood is craving for war. Only Antony can cease that war. No
one else can do it. Both, father and son, are like his right and
left hands. Whose hands would I chop off? He is tormented
by mental aberration. At last Antony arrived at a conclusion.
Should talk to Abu once more.
Mary sat watching the mixed reactions on Antony’s face.
She asked: Who is eligible for homicide ? Is it Ali or Abu?
Those words smothered his heart as an omen. Whose
role has deeply impressed the mind? Whom I have to drown
to death. For the sake of his beloved friend Antony decided
to request Abu to apologise to his bapa. Son, excuse your
father. He is not that bad and ugly Ali now. He is Alihaji.
Though his mind is calm Ali’s words are still pounding the
heart. “ I should not let him live” is this only rage at that time or…? Eyes still. As light in darkness Antony asked himself:
Who is Abu for me? Is he my father?
When they turned to the room they saw a car nearing
her house. From that Danny and from driver’s seat Diana
alighted. They welcomed both heartily. Diana after saying
a `hai’ keeping a distance lit a cigarette. Coils of smoke
billowed and vanished in the air. Pure British girl. Original
Malayali father and British mom. Attractive girl with buxom
body. Bobbed hair, pink-stained lips. Scantily clad in trousers
and a turtleneck. Black goggles adorning the eyes enhanced
her white complexion. Blue eyes. No less in glamour. Chest
and breasts popped up. At a glance a cute little madamma
that anybody will pause to look at..
Mary’s hatred is that why she is exposing her part of chest
and breasts to others? When she comes here this obscenity
filled her mind. Complaint not to her and son., but to Antony.
Antony will give the tit for tat: What you mean? Has she to
wear sari like you? She is wearing trousers and tight shirt as
a child. What’s wrong in that? Is it not month of May? Too
It is not she alone, there are others in other houses living
without clothes’’.
On hearing this, Mary’s face faded. She dumped all
complaints and questions at the corner of her heart. It was
her son’s presence that filled her heart with joy. Mother’s
heart spilled over with love. She kissed his cheeks. Embracing
father he shared his love. The mother longed to kiss Diana
she was in the pleasure of smoking at a distance, sparing
them.Mary looked askance at: Four month pregnant. Did she
not end her smoking habit? Old habits die hard. It is the habit
she inherited from her parents in her childhood, smoking,
drinking wine and beer. Yet to say to abstain from it is not
practicable. What we dislike they like. Parents who ought
to have developed good habits why do cultivate such vices?
Why do these vices grow like grass In the material life of
humans? Grass transforms as milk through cows. What kind
of milk does man get from this cigarette smoking? Still why
did they keep costly wine for in-laws. It is a mother’s soft
corner that impels her for it. She is drinking all these stuffs.
Not tea at all. My son too satiates her desires. He deliberately
conceals his own woes. In life we get the real joy when we
search for it. A good husband always yields to wife’s wishes.
My son faces its repercussions.
It was me only who is particular about this alliance.
Affluent family. Diversified businesses. Diana’s mother
Golsenfiels mingles with all smoothly. Helps anybody. Vicepresident of the church. Malayali Jose Tharakan helps all
irrespective of status. Antony was against this alliance from
the beginning itself. Though her father is a Malayali, daughter
could not be brought up in Malayali ethos. Can that girl utter
a Malayalam word?
Being in London for studies Jose Tharakan fell in love
with his classmate beautiful Golsenfields. They lived like
couples. Jose was not aware of her secret affair with Golsen’s
senior Boatman. Jose did not know that she had conceived
from Boat. Boat rejected her demand to marry her. With no
way out, Golsen’s father thrust her on Jose. Jose could not
escape. He also reveled in having a rich girl in his life. Aftercompleting study, he took charge of her father’s business.
But he was unaware that his wife had a hearty time to go wild
with her old flames right in their own home when he was
Lover Boat was also climbing up the bureaucratic ladder.
Golsen was promoted by Boat as a leading lady in social
activities. Golsen was persuaded by top notches to enter
politics. Golsen liked the idea. She became councilor, eyeing
Mayor’s post. Her immoral stink was enjoyed as fragrance by
many. Though Jose was bright in studies Golsen knew that
he is very sensitive. Poor Jose. “Are you not my kitten’? This
is the style she addresses Jose while they were in a tiff.
Eldest daughter Mint Goodman followed suit her mom.
She is used to besiege the rivulets and rivers of lust. Divorced
by spouse she is living with a kid in another house. Jose, even
today, did not know the illicit relations Golsen has had. After
marriage, Jose once took her to his native place Tiruvalla in
Central Kerala. It was a sheer shock to his relatives. Nobody
could could dream of Jose giving up in life by marrying a
madamma.(white madam). Gone is gone, don’t cry over spilt
milk was their attitude. It was Kerala’s coast’s blue ocean, the
rivers and greenery that lured Golsen but not her in-laws in
that god-forsaken old house. Diana is Jose’s daughter. Hence
she had no objection in his marrying her off to a Malayali
stock. In short, she didn’t care.
When the married life is withered it will look like a
desert. When a lawn is mowed grass will sprout after a while.
Family life is not like that. Earned a lot, missed some in
life. Why should repent over it? Golsen’s looks depressedwith the passage of time. Could not become a Mayor or an
MP. Wasted the precious youth by sharing it with others.
Withered trees can only be chopped and burnt. Those who
reveled and mated with her lost their interest and virility.
They have all passed into oblivion. Many have been interred
in church yards. They spoil Golsen’s sleep. They do not get
peace beneath the soil. Their skeletons rise up from the
graves and grit their teeth and dread those shared their beds.
They frighten the living souls at nights.

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