Sad Demise – (Medhini)


Death is inevitable
As it is unavoidable.
Death snarls up every living being,
Which is born in this universe.

Death comes in disguise
And in many forms; such as
An accident, plane crash, shipwreck,
Drowning, murder, fall, fire or a mistake.
Other reasons may cause death-
Such as old age, disease and starvation.

But suicide cases are-
Common among human beings;
Like consuming poison, hanging, jumping-
From height and stabbing
Cutting veins and strangling oneself
To relieve oneself from agony and pain.

A philosopher’s or a counsellor’s advice like-
“One has no right to stop one’s own life”:
Is ridiculed by one-who attempts
To suicide, to draw the curtain to life.

Though death is inevitable
And one can not give life to a corpse,
Every living being is born in nature;
To serve a purpose besides the right for enjoyment.

Though there’s a saying – that death is salvation
From miseries, sufferings, pain and despair;
Destruction of life is not a solution at all;
As it causes misery and pain to others.

About The Author

2 thoughts on “Sad Demise – (Medhini)”
  1. Thank you Soman & Lima World Library team for publishing my poem ” Sad Demise ” for the view and comments of beautiful literary people.
    Warm regards,

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