Entwined Beauty – Gopan Ambat


Through the mystic Dal Lake’s mellow chase
Wee lassies row, adorned with grace.
Side by side, they glide through glassy waves,
Under the golden morning light it behooves.
With every stroke, their shikaras dance,
Swinging ripples with each gentle glance
The early rays weave a golden border,
Adorning the beauty of nature’s order.
Parda-covered locks sway in the fragrant wind,
Their cheeks blushed, a love’s sweet hint.
A symphony of light, lake, and love they shone ,
A portrait of serenity, a joy of its own
Harmony echoes in the tranquil air,
As they move the waters with tender care.
Nature’s orb shines brighter, such tender play,
A sweet poem spun on the lovely day.

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