Two rivers (Dr. Sunitha Ganesh)


Two rivers.
Fragrant wind in both..
Filled with Moonlight..
Flowing through its own continents
Writing history in the soil ..
Sometimes originated
From the caves of the time, the flying saucer
Spread over the universe.
Might have dropped down
From the flying mountain tips..
Twisted and twisted…
Raining and snowing.
Bathing in the sun…
Spreading fragrance..
Blooming Moonlight..

No, no my clock!
Don’t take and mix
The colors of this river,
To the deep silences of that river.
The moonlight of that river,
To the tragedies of this river.

Let two suns rise,
Let two moons shine,
Both lands,
And let the two continental greens
celebrate together,
And the two rivers,
let them be two rivers again,
As again two spices.. two moon lights…

Sunitha Ganesh

About The Author

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