The Kindled Tales {5. The imprisoned woman} – Karoor Soman


The sun was shining glaringly when the Council footpath was being cleaned by Omana, a woman who worked for the council. It was at this very moment that the next door neighbour Sumathi felt dizzy collapsed onto the floor. Sumathi was over 70 years of age and took medications for her diabetes but apart from that, she was pretty much healthy. Omana helped her up and took her inside, and asked if she would like the ambulance to be called. Sumathi told her not to call the ambulance.

Sumathi who always dressed up auspiciously, was now in tears. She has two children, both of whom were boys, and lives alone at the house.

They came to London in 1970 from Singapore, and Sumathi had a real hard time trying to teach the kids during difficult situations. She believes her sons’ attitude changed towards her once she got married.



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