The Snoring Mother – Karoor Soman, Charummood


Shankunni felt the cold breeze brush up on his face whilst he dawdled through the place that
held his darkest and blemished memories. He knew that he picked the right time to come back,
when he saw that not an open eye was in sight on that unusually cold night. It was when he was only
12 years old that he lost his Dad.Shankunni remembers that night all too well, he remembers getting
out of his house with his Dad to gather honey from the forest and how things went horribly wrong
when his dad got attacked by a tiger,and how on seeing it, Shankunni screamed horridly and ran for
his life. That whole experience was too much for Shankunni. The thought of living in the place
where his father was brutally killed was something he couldn’t possibly imagine. That is why he
decided to jump on the first train he could find and made his way to Tamilnadu. Eight years later,
here he stood, back at the place he wanted to forget but couldn’t. It was the relentless desire in his
heart to see his Mother and sister that brought him back. He was surprised to see a different sight
than he had expected. There were bunch of concrete buildings everywhere. He marched on forwards
to his house, and he recognised his house by the smell of goat that covered the place. He then
peeked in through the window, and saw his mother sleeping loudly. He felt that the sound of his
mother’s loud snoring instantly brought back the sense of belonging he once held for that place. He
felt comfortable again and slept outside in the snow.

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