God’s punishment – Karoor Soman, Charummood


Prayers could be heard loud and clear from the London church.The prayers were aimed at
the Covid-19 pandemic that had hindered people’s normal way of life. Sitting outside the church
was Susan and Cicily. They spoke about the bizarre thinking of people gathered inside. Cicily
pointed out that the act of screaming so loud that the throat cracks, is no solution to the pandemic.
This is God’s punishment. The fact that it made even churches close down proves that. No amount
of screaming is going to change that.
Susan and Cicily left for home from Church talking seriously about Corona .
On reaching home, Susan told her husband that she would like to go back to Kerala after
Corona dies down. She also let him know that the old plates and cutlery that they used in the house,
had to be packed up and taken back to Kerala.She planned on selling them in Kerala. She also
planned on buying new ones as replacement from Kerala.

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