The Poetry of Light, A photographer’s Journey – Gopan Ambat


The Poetry of Light,
A photographer’s Journey

Photographs are supposed to be materialised out of thin air, they are born from the ether of imagination and creativity. Similarly, poems emerge from the same fertile soil, requiring innovative minds and artistic expression. As a photographer of twenty-eight years’ experience, my passion in it often had to take a backseat to my duties as a government servant. Nevertheless, each photograph whispered a message to me, and I began to craft small captions for those snaps in both English and Malayalam. These captions blossomed into bylines and eventually, short poems.

One of my relatives, Mrs. Sreekumari Santhosh, a writer herself, kindly invited me to join a WhatsApp group for writers called ‘Lima World Library’, which proved to be a pivotal moment for me. I began posting a photograph accompanied by a few lines each morning, and this ritual soon turned to be a source of inspiration and creative expression.

I am indebted to Mr. Karoor Soman who is the patron of Lima world library who voluntarily published my poems online on a regular basis. Also I must thank my friends and relatives who gave me support by mentioning their appreciation personally and through calls and messages. They are so wonderfully supporting me till date. I am obliged to my English teacher Prof Dr. Alexander Raju who gave me books to read and motivated me with his proficient support.

Emboldened by the warm reception in Lima, I continued to write, and my daily habit yielded over 700 poems in both languages. This unexpected journey led me to join numerous writers’ groups, where I honed my craft. Now, I am delighted to present two books, each a harmonious union of photographs and poetry. ‘Ragasarovaram’ in Malayalam and ‘French Horns and Fiddles’ in English, showcase my artistic expression, and I am thrilled to share them with you.

I was utterly delighted to discover that my English poems, posted in the Lima World Library Group, were being translated into Malayalam on a daily basis. This unexpected surprise brought me immense joy. I am deeply indebted to the three Malayalam writers who selflessly undertook this task, gifting me with precious gems of poetry. Their translations have been a game-changer, altering my perspective on writing poetry altogether.

Thirty of these translated poems have been included in this book, and I am struggling to find the words to express my gratitude to these literary angels. Mr. Mohandas, Doctor Maya Gopinath, and Mrs. Alice Jomi, your kindness and talent have left an indelible mark on my writing journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your precious contributions

As a photographer and poet, I embarked on a serendipitous journey, where imagination and creativity entwined like the tender shoots of a vine. My photographs whispered secrets, and I listened, crafting captions that blossomed into poems. The Lima World Library Group became a sanctuary, where my words found a home, and kindred spirits translated them into Malayalam, gifting me with precious jewels of poetry.

The generosity of strangers and loved ones alike has been a beacon of encouragement, illuminating my path. Mr. Karoor Soman’s patronage, the translations by Mr. Mohandas, Doctor Maya Gopinath, and Mrs. Alice Jomi, and the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Alexander Raju has been instrumental in nurturing my craft. Their support has been a gentle rain, nourishing the soil of my creativity, allowing me to flourish.

Life is a beautiful painting of the almighty in versatile colours that include threads of imagination and creativity, intricately woven into the community. This is true in my life too. This journey has taught me that the beauty of art lies not only in its creation but also in its sharing. As I publish these poems and photographs, I am reminded that the true essence of art is the connections it fosters, the hearts it touches, and the lives it enriches. May these words and images prove to be my testimony for the transformative power of creativity and generosity of the human spirit.

Yours Truly
Gopan Ambat

About The Author

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