The Boat and the Ship (Dr. Sunitha Ganesh)


There is a boatman,
Rowing and rowing far..
All the disappointments in his boat.

There is a lordless anchor..
Looking far and far..
Stitching all the beautiful
desires on a soft rug…
Tying up the senses on a ship.

now the boatman
unties the anchor of the ship.
On the waveless, shallow shore
Of the Estuary..

Oh! Wonderful, the sight..
The holed boat…
The untied ship…
The ship gives hand,
And carries the boat on its chest!

Such a dream!
Swimming slowly, slowly..
Opposite to the wind of Sea..
They were on their way to
The Coral Island.

Oh, What happens now!
The oil ran out.
The ship got stuck…
The pierced boat was pushed away
The boatman went out to sea….

The Ship!
Stood in the middle of nowhere
Tightening the dreamy rug,
Waiting for the boatman…

The Boatman!
Kept saying stories..
To the living blue whale
About the hole in the boat.

The Ship uttered
Not a word …
About the oil which ran out..
And the sea!!
And the sea,
saw nothing…heard nothing….

Sunitha Ganesh

About The Author

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