Flying house (Dr.Sunitha Ganesh)


It was variegated with mud.
The roof was cracked apart.
The pots inside,
Had turned into boats.
Kneeling and rowing
Many days had passed.

Concrete buildings were there,
A far away from the sight,
Stood straight with pride.
Occasionally passing eyes,
Looking at
With the tail twisted.
And under the roof her
curled up with shame .

She longed a lot,
Standing at the thorny fence.
Hold desires as high
As Coconut and palm trees,
The fence was broken,
The measuring stick fell on her land ,
And she stood still
With tears in her eyes.

There came,
A hut,
Adorned by the coconut leaves,
There was some shade
Secured for her.
Giving up the eye
On the concrete buildings,
She ,
Got in to the coconut shack.

Breathed in the new shade,
By then,
The sky stumbled down,
Turned black,
It rained heavily,
Forgetting to offer a bit of solace,
Her shelter!
Was shivering of anger,
She stood still helpless,
Under the oozing roof.

The rain,
Doing mischeifs or anger?
Danced over the tears,
Now, you know?
All the Concrete buildings sank,
The earth became wet,
Hey, look
There comes a
Flying house…
Lifting her and flying away ..

Sunitha Ganesh

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