MALABAR AFLAME : Lesson 26 – (Karoor Soman)

Amazon Best Selling Novel Malabar A Flame in Lima World Library

26.The beast

Nabeesa’s heart stopped for a moment as she lept up.
That is Ali only. Never anticipated he would come back soon.
Jamal crawled up gasping. Grabbing his pant, shirt and
chappals (footwear) he swiftly disappeared to the darkness
through the backdoor. Nabeesa roughly dressed pretending
to be waking up from sleep and opened the door.
Ali entered while soft breeze of the late evening passed
by. He changed his dress in his own room. After placing a
liquor bottle on the table he ordered Nabeesa to “get some
chicken legs fried”.
Nabeesa did so.
He loves Nabeesa dearly. He has a guilty feeling that as an
old man, he is unable to satisfy the desires of a bubbling youth
like her. She looks after him very well. She is not as erotic as
I wish.. She has a soft corner towards me. That is all. But she
is more devoted to his former wives. Hence she sleeps in a
separate room. She pours cold water on my burning passion.
She is used to elude me. Of course I tortured her in the past.
But that is past. Once she said:
“As there are two other wives ready to take care of you,
I may be spared.” Then she added: “I should meditate in
my physical purity. Having one son, I have to be like that.I should educate him and bring him up as a bright young
man.”. Her eyes welled up.
Ali was moved. “Okay. I will not trouble you. Have your
own way.”..
To satisfy his lust, he took turns to visit his forsaken
wives during nights. He covered his head so that his faithful
followers would not catch him in the act. Wives knew the
nights when their husband would come prowling.
Simultaneously, the Kashmiri dupatta on Nabeesa slips
down. On her bare body Jamal will draw sketches. When
the paint in the palette of the artist is over, a beautiful tired
lass may lie on her back stretched like an idol. Those eyes
would exchange stories mutually. Her romantic glance
would evoke passion in a beholder. Her lips and breast will
throb. She longed for the sculptor who sculpted that idol.
The backdoor will remain open for Jamal always for him to
escape. He comes and leaves like a as a robber. Telling his
wife that he was doing extra work during nights, he comes to
meet Nabeesa twice a week. Today it was a disaster.
The police are not so alert in these days felt Alihaji.
Otherwise he would have been caught much earlier. There
will be other ways for him open soon, he consoled himself.
Antony gave the right advice. He should not let the faithful at
the mosque know anything of his nefarious deeds. I lived in
this age to fly up. Not to fall down with clipped wings. Let the
conspirators who tipped me off exult for a while. You would
not laugh for long. Ali has learnt not only chants but pranks
and tricks. I came to this world from another world just as I
learnt the tricks. His eyes blazed with rage.He poured whisky to the glass.
“Nabeesa, when does mon (son) come?’’
`Tomorrow, Jamal will bring him’’
All right, You may go and sleep” he told her.
She closed her door from inside and put the latch because
when boozed he could always come in. But she would not let
him. What a wretched life she has. But for her dear son, she
would have ended her life much earlier. “Oh, Allah, I can’t
bear the agony.” She cried to herself and wept in silence.
Chicken and liquor spread before the man who has to
recite Quran. There is advantage when he loses sense when
he smokes ganja. On one such occasion, she asked him:
“Is this proper for an Imam?”
There is one answer from his always..
“Humans are frail. Allah will forgive”.
Only Jamal and Nabeesa knew that the Imam’s house was
a den of booze and ganja. If someone gave a tip the police,
everything will be over. E we\ill the exposed machining him
the ridicule of the faithful and the public in general. But she
could not muster the strength to do it. Instead, she chose to
suffer in privacy.
She lay in the room; light on.
When Ali had three large takes of whisky one after the
other, he felt tipsy. His forehead perspired. He stood up,
walked a little. He walked up to Nabeesa’s bedroom. He
was about to knock at it. How gorgeous she would be. An incarnation of sensuous beauty. But he could not as he had
given word to her that he would not violate her any more.
She has become pious. Let her read the scriptures, meditate,
and turn a virtuous woman. Reciting Quran has made her a
virtuous woman, pure in mind and holy in character. Let her
He went back to his own room. Cursed everybody for
deserting him. Nobody around to give him comfort, satisfy
his carnal desire. He went around the room and finally
reclined on the cot. Felt so tired. Sat looking up the ceiling.
Slowly sleep over. It was winter. London city also fell asleep.
The hearings on Ali case started on the dot on the
appointed date.
Ali was present in the court. Antony also. Court absolved
him. This was the court verdict: He is a clegy. A clergy can
visit anybody’s house at any time It is unfortunate that others
interpreted it otherwise. Talaq is not an impediment in seeing
the former wives. Why did not he meet them in the day? For
that there is tit for tat. Why not in the nights? In old age they
should meet each other and share love and affection. Not
seen it through a youth’s eye. Court gives priority for the age
of Ali. Not that he is in front of all to help the helpless. The
pious man who undertakes Haj pilgrimages yearly. Faithful
see him as a blessed man.’’
Ali was gasping when he learnt that he was a free man,
absolved of all criminal charges. Man could not punish
Alihaji. Allah has saved him. It is the constant prayer and
retreat that rewarded him of his blessings and boon. It is not
possible even for a royal court to punish a blessed man. Ifotherwise happened it is a curse to the country. Have not we
seen the ruin of the person or family that abuse the saints?
One person came with a garland. He was aware that no court
could punish Alihaji. When Ali was out of court, he was
garlanded by one of his followers..
“Allahoo Akbar’’, Alihaji called aloud.
The faithful surrounded Alihaji. They hailed him. They
praised God. Ali spoke to them: “Don’t get upset. The face
of truth is like the sun. No one can put out that light. No
court, no king too. I have only one thing to tell you. When
we are no more, the face, this body will turn soil. Devote the
time now in the name of Allah.’’
“Allahoo Akbar’’, Ali shouted. The gathering repeated
the shout. Stroking his moustache, beard he walked in tow
with the lawyer and Antony. All followed

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