The young lady is moved – Medhini


Every evening,
when the sun is about to set,
the birds, chirping loudly, in flocks,
and flying back to the nest;
The young lady moves,
towards the well, a little far, carrying ,
two brass pots in her right arm,
and an eighteen months old child,
holding her left arm, to fetch drinking water;
for the child, old parents and herself.

None, who passes that way,
fail to notice her calmness and serenity
besides, her natural beauty,
blesses her lavishly.

While returning, she doesn’t forget,
to buy flowers for making garlands, that,
she takes to the market,
to sell and earn to make both ends meet.

On an occasion, a gentle man,
pitied on her,
gave a good amount to her,
for the entire garlands, taken.

She refused to accept,
his generous offer,
though, old and faded sari, on her,
clearly tells, she is poor, in fact.

Yet, the gentle man, refused to accept,
defeat; followed her, to her house,
met her old parents,
patted, fed and talked to them;
Thereafter, every day,
he buys all her garlands,
pays her readily and she is moved;
Her child grew, day by day,
started going to the school;
The young lady and son live happily now, there.

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